Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Memorial Day Weekend

We had a nice weekend with home projects and a little time with friends and fam. Unfortunately, I didn't get as many photos from our gathering on Sunday as I would have liked, but here are a few...

some of us actually enjoyed the nice day outside, while others spent most of the time...


although, later in the evening the ladies were jamming on guitar hero!

connor was the main entertainment of the weekend!

he loves this trick!

telisa is a bad influence!!!

And might I say, Jason cooked most of the food and it was delicioso! Not only that, but I headed to bed (w/ some serious swollen feet!) and he cleaned the entire kitchen. AND THEN, he cleaned the kitchen floor and steamed the carpet the next day! We've had crazy dust all over from the shower construction going on. MY husband :)

Also, a thank you to those who have served or who are still serving in the military. We thank you! I hope you had a nice Memorial Day!

Friday, May 25, 2007

Bathroom Remodel Update

So it's been a couple weeks since I've updated the progress on the bathroom. For all who are interested here's the list of what I've accomplished since the last post.
1. I've installed the shut-off valves in the attic so I can work on the bathroom plumbing and still
have water to the rest of the house
2. I tore out the old shower and bathtub plumbing and roughed in the majority of the new shower plumbing.
3. Removed most of the bay window window ledge framing and build a much stronger ledge with a 3/4" slope (for drainage).
4. Installed wall ends into the existing walls for my new wall tie-ins.
5. Capped the old shower drain, installed the plumbing for the new shower drain, poured concrete to fill in the old shower drain block out, and poured concrete around the new shower drain plumbing.

Sweatin' me some pipe.

This is the roughed in plumbing for the new shower fixtures.

Capped the old shower drain, drilled some rebar into the slab and just finished pouring the concrete to fill it and the new drain area in.

In order to make room for the half wall between the counter and the shower I had to cut the bathroom countertop (poured marble). It was unbelievably dusty. Sandra was walking around with my two handprints on her tush for most of the morning.

Isabella Simone Burkhalter

Many of you have been asking if we've picked a name for our little girl. Yes, it is Isabella Simone. And no, I will not bite your head off if you call her "Bella." I really didn't want a nickname because I love the sound of Isabella so much, but I'm warming up to it now so I won't be frustrated for years to come! Although, you will earn points in my book for calling her Isabella (pronounced 'ees-abella'). ;)

I now know why my mom was so frustrated when people called me "Sandy." Wow, agreeing with mom...what's next?


Last weekend my brother Arnold and his girlfriend Karen came into town for a short visit. We had a nice dinner and some ccccaaake. Savanah graduated from daycare earlier in the day...yes, she'll be in kindergarten this fall! And yes, there was a graduation ceremony with cap and gown.

uncle arno, vivian and karen

my mom betty and my bro-in-law craig

savanah jumping on her trampoline. jason and karen joined in!...i'm thinking, didn't we just eat mexican food?

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Mother's Day Visit to the Padres

Sandra and I went up to East Texas to visit my Mom and Pop for Mother's Day. Thought I'd show some pictures off of the barn/apartment my Dad built for them. Pretty amazing. They're also into making wine. If anyone want a bottle, let me know and I'll see what I can do.

My dad makes around ten different types of wine. One didn't turn out well and he now uses it to . . . kill fire ants around the property. Seriously. All the other wine, however, is fantastic.

This is my Dad's shop. He finally has the shop he's always wanted.

A view of the kitchen in the apartment above the shop. No idea what Sandra's doing.

The living room and. . .

The master bedroom.

Dad and me after working on the Barn.

Thought I'd include a few pictures of the barn during a snow on Easter weekend. Pretty crazy because they rarely get snow up there.

Joys of Pregnancy

So, last weekend I experienced swelling of the feet. After walking around my feet were getting cramped in my sandals and I was waddling around because of the pain. Fun. And now this...

at least the band still fits!

OH! Thursday we found out that the Conrad's our having a girl, too! Yea!!!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Bathroom Project - Day 2 and 3

Managed to remove the drain pan and ridiculously heavy tub (thanks to Rollin for the help). Also demolished some additional drywall around where the tub was. Planning on removing all drywall up to the ceiling vault and around the windows to prepare for the backer board for the tile.

Notice the water damaged insulation. Yea for shoddy work!

The next step is to get the remaining drywall removed and plan everything out. Then I'll start sweatin' some pipe. Woo-wee!!!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Damian Rice

Last night baby and I enjoyed live music from Damian Rice. It was such a great concert! The venue was small which gave large bass sound and feel. She seemed to enjoy (or so I like to think) a lot of the music and was dancing around...again, I hope this was a good reaction to the music!

You can check out some of our favorite tunes from the concert from the MUSICA section to the left. Number 11 (Canonball) I noticed A LOT of movement while the guitar was strummed and Number 12 (Blower's Daughter) is my personal favorite. He sang this song during his encore acoustically and no was beautiful!

Oh, I had an appointment today and things are still going well. It was fairly quick...just a check up. Baby is doing well. Her heart is still beating strong :)

Growing Nephews

Here is a peak of Spencer and Christy's little cute!

And a few moments of La Senora Pico de Gato and Sophie catching up...

uncle jason with cyle and seth

cyle just turned 1!

pico followed sophie around trying to get a wiff...

notice the console table was baby-proofed on the bottom...not too long for permanent baby proofing!

Weekend to Remember

This weekend Jason and I attended a marriage conference in The Woodlands called "Weekend to Remember." We really enjoyed it and would recommend it to anyone that is getting married, been married for days or years. This conference is put on by FamilyLife which is the same people that started Campus Crusade for Christ. If you're curious their website is We've been wanting to attend something like this since we got married but never put much effort into it. So, thank you Spencer and Christy for inviting us! We did have time to enjoy The Woodlands...

can i just say i look mega pregnant in this dress!

boys can be so competitive!

terry is not enjoying the sangria so much...and no, that's not jason, it's his brother spencer.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Baby Connor

Last week we attended our friends' Baby Dedication for their boy Connor. It was so sweet to see our friends (as parents!) making this wonderful commitment. Connor is the first baby in our bible study group, making us ditch our "DINKS" title!

amanda, connor and anthony

there were other couples there from our old small group, too. johnna and troy with twins! and jenny and davin with their baby girl.

jason is showing connor how to style his hair!

Monday, May 7, 2007

Bathroom Shower Project - Day 1

Found out our master bathroom shower's drain pan is leaking. This means I have to completely remove the old shower and build a new one. Which is kinda cool, 'cause I've been wanting to build a ginormous shower for a while now. . . and now I can. Planning on removing the tub and building the new shower to extend from one wall to the other. Ought to be interesting.

Busting up ceramic tile is not fun. Little white pieces of shrapnel are all over the house.

Mmmmmm. . . mold. For those of you who notice such things, that is normal drywall, not moisture resistant drywall . Gotta love it.

Picking up the drain pan. Really, really heavy. Luckily Pico helped me out.

Drain pan and half-wall are out. Now just have to figure out how to get them to the garage.

Everything but the tub and drywall is gone. Gonna finish the demolition when I get a chance.

Jason's Business Trip to Alaska

Had to travel to Anchorage with my boss to review a project control system for a north slope project. Alaska people are really strange. Saw a dead guy on a bench and saw another guy get run over. Crazy.

Ray's (my boss) and my first day in Alaska. We were on our way up a mountain to find a moose and try and ride it. Didn't really work out.

Sunset over Anchorage.

The day before we left we went to the Matanuska Glacier to check it out. Pretty amazing.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Savanah is 5!

Last week our niece Savanah turned 5! She's growing up so quick as is our other niece, Vivian. She's about 4 months now!

savanah loves her uncle jason!

my sister lisa and her cheekies vivi!